VsDebating Wiki
VsDebating Wiki
The embodiment of both my pride and soul, my loyal servant! Come forth! Blue-Eyes White Dragon!
— Seto Kaiba summoning Blue-Eyes during the Battle City quarter-finals.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon is the main card used by Seto Kaiba in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters. Although the duel monsters card is powerful in its own right, the actual monster spirit is incredibly powerful, being one of the most powerful monsters in the Yugioh Universe, even rivaling that of the Egyptian Gods Obelisk the Tormentor and Osiris the Sky Dragon.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon was the monster ka spirit of Kisara, although it only emerged while she was in an unconscious state. Seto had come to care deeply for Kisara during this time. He defended her until her death at the hands of Aknadin, who proceeded to possess his son. Perhaps showing that she felt the same about him, Kisara's spirit entered Seto's mind and destroyed Aknadin, freeing the young priest.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 5-B | 5-A | 5-B, Higher with Empowerment, can negate durability | 5-A | Varies, can negate durability

Key: Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, Sin Blue-Eyes White Dragon, or Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon | Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon or Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon | Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon | Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon | Deep-Eyes White Dragon

Name: Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Origin: Yu-Gi-Oh!

Gender: Female (was the monster ka spirit of Kisara)

Age: Over 3000 years

Classification: Monster

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Planet level (Harmed Zorc Necrophades just enough to temporarely reverse his solar eclipse.) | Large Planet level (Has an ATK of 4500, making her superior to Obelisk the Tormentor. The Egyptian Gods can battle Zorc, who can cause a solar eclipse.) | Planet level (Equal in power to Blue-Eyes White Dragon.), Higher with Empowerment (Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon's power increases with every Dragon-Type Monster in the graveyard.), can negate durability (Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon can sacrifice itself to instantly destroy any target.) | At least Large Planet level (Has an ATK of 4000, making her equal to Obelisk the Tormentor.) | Varies (Deep-Eyes White Dragon can copy the exact same ATK of one of the Dragon-Type monsters in the user's gaveyard.), can negate durability (If Deep-Eyes White Dragon is destroyed by battle, all of the opponent's Monsters are destroyed.)

Speed: FTL+ (Her Burst Stream of Destruction perfectly matched the speed of an attack from the Dark Magician, who should be comparable to the Dark Magician Girl, who can block attacks from Deep-Eyes White Dragon.) | At least FTL+ (Superior to a single Blue-Eyes White Dragon.) | At least FTL+ (Superior to Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.) | At least FTL+ (Superior to Blue-Eyes White Dragon.) | FTL+ (Flew from the sun to Earth in seconds.)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown

Striking Strength: Class XJ (Can harm Zorc with physical blows.) | Class XKJ (Has an ATK of 4500, making her superior to Obelisk the Tormentor.) | Class XJ (Equal in power to Blue-Eyes White Dragon.), Higher with Empowerment | Class XKJ (Has an ATK of 4000, making her equal to Obelisk the Tormentor.)

Durability: Planet level | Large Planet level | Planet level | Unknown (Has 0 in DEF.) | Unknown (Had 0 in DEF.)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Melee physically, Hundreds of meters with energy

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Genius (Is a legendary spirit who has been fighting for thousands of years since ancient Egypt, and has battled the likes of Zorc and the Dark Magician.)

Weaknesses: None notable

Note: This page only covers Blue-Eyes as she appears in the "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters" anime by Studio Gallop. It does not take into consideration Blue-Eyes as she appears in the original manga, the previous anime adaptation, the card game, or any of the video games.

Note 2: Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon render by yugiohoricabr. Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon render by MacLordOfNightmares. Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon render by MacLordOfNightmares. Deep-Eyes White Dragon render by MacLordOfNightmares.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
