VsDebating Wiki
Not seeing is believing!
— Quote author


Brent Green is the main antagonist of the Goosebumps book My Best Friend Is Invisible who torments Sammy, however it turns out that he was a human child who is trying to hide from the alien species who took over the earth and turned humans into an endangered species. He also briefly appeared in the first Goosebumps movie.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-B

Name: Brent Green, The Ghost

Origin: Goosebumps

Gender: Male

Age: Is said to be a kid

Classification: Invisible child

Powers and Abilities: Invisibility, Stealth (Thanks to his invisibility), minor Madness Manipulation (Type 2, Made Sammy look insane, being called crazy)

Attack Potency: Human level (Is an ordinary human child. Easily overpowered and restrained Roxanne Johnson)

Speed: Normal Human

Lifting Strength: Regular Human

Striking Strength: Class H

Durability: Human level

Stamina: At least above average human

Range: Standard melee range

Intelligence: Above Average (Despite being a child he managed to keep himself hidden from the aliens that have taken over earth)

Weaknesses: Human Weaknesses


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
