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No matter how twisted this world may be, I will walk in the path I believe in.
— Bruno Bucciarati


Bruno Bucciarati (sometimes spelled Bruno Buccellati) is the deuteragonist of Vento Aureo. Bucciarati is a mobster and the leader of his own squad within the powerful neapolitan gang Passione. Sent out to track whoever attacked Leaky-Eye Luca and debuting as Giorno Giovanna's opponent, Bucciarati becomes the first to lend meaningful support to Giorno in his ascension in Passione's ranks. Bucciarati is also a Stand User who wields Sticky Fingers in battle.

Bruno Bucciarati, first introduced as a sly gangster, is quickly revealed to be a righteous, but ruthless individual. During his introductory arc, Bruno Bucciarati acts like a seemingly affable gangster toward Giorno Giovanna, starting a chitchat on various subjects during which Bucciarati reveals his more violent side. Bruno Bucciarati's most important character traits are his righteousness and his natural kindness.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B, 8-B with Sticky Fingers, Sticky Finger's ability can negate durability

Name: Bruno Bucciarati

Origin: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Classification: Stand user

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Stand users can see invisible beings such as ghosts), Non-Physical Interaction (Sticky Fingers can harm Stands), Sticky Fingers has Intangibility and Invisibility, Size Manipulation (Stands can shrink themselves so much that they fit inside a human's ear), Sticky Fingers' primary ability is to create zippers on any surface it touches with its fist, Pocket Reality Manipulation (If Bucciarati opens a zipper to inside a voluminous object, it actually doesn't show the interior of the object but a dark space in which Bucciarati can put objects or himself to hide), Durability Negation (Bucciarati can create zippers that cut through the entirety of objects, allowing him to dismantle them. With this ability, he can separate enemies into multiple pieces and even perform a cutting attack by detaching something and then cancelling the zipper), Fusion (Bucciarati is free to attach several things together with his zippers), He can create long zippers over surfaces and control the zipping to rapidly reposition himself if he holds the zipper's handle, for instance to move down a lift shaft using the zipper to slow down his descent, Limited Healing (Can reattach lost limbs with his zippers and even use the limbs of others), Body Control (Can split his own body into pieces with his zippers without taking any damage), Immortality (Type 7 after being revived by Giorno Giovanna)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Knocked out Pesci), City Block level with Sticky Fingers (Drew blood from King Crimson), Sticky Finger's ability can negate durability

Speed: Normal Human with Massively FTL reactions (Can control Sticky Fingers), Massively FTL with Sticky Fingers (Landed a hit on King Crimson)

Lifting Strength: Regular Human, Unknown with Sticky Fingers

Striking Strength: Class KJ, Class GJ with Sticky Fingers

Durability: City Block level (Took a punch to the face from Gold Experience), City Block level with Sticky Fingers (Blocked blows from Gold Experience)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Two meters, Higher with zippers

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Above average (Bruno is a smart fighter and strategist, as well as being a good leader)

Weaknesses: Any damage taken by Sticky Fingers will reflect back onto Bruno. Bruno can only activate his ability by direct contact. Unzipping himself can be fatal if it disconnects him from his heart.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
