VsDebating Wiki
This Genie's a Major Meanie!!
— Quote author


Jenna the Genie is a genie that can grant wishes if unleashed from her can prison, she makes an appearance in both Scream of the Evil Genie and Checkout Time at the Dead-End Hotel. She also attempts to be the main protagonist's mother.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Unknown, at least 9-B when in giant form

Name: Jenna

Origin: Goosebumps

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Genie

Powers and Abilities: Wish Granting, Social Influencing (Tricked the main character into wasting his last wish), Transmutation (Turned the main character into a painting), Transformation (Turned into a giant monster), Size Manipulation (Made the main character's mother 5 inches tall), Status Effect Inducement (Made Randy unable to open his mouth), Time Manipulation (Sent the main character back in time), Existence Erasure (Made a giant metal bug disappear), Duplication (Created 100 copies of the main character), Power Nullification, Creation (Made enough money to make everyone who appeared in the main protagonist's pizza party rich), Plot Manipulation (In Checkout Time at the Dead-End Hotel she changed the story into the story from Scream of the Evil Genie), likely Immortality (Type 8; as long as her soda can she originated from isn't destroyed she remains alive)

Attack Potency: Unknown, at least Wall level (Squashed the main protagonist)

Speed: Unknown, the effects of her powers are near instantaneous

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown, likely Class KJ when in giant form

Durability: Unknown, at least Wall level when in giant form

Stamina: Unknown, high when in giant form

Range: Standard melee range physically, several meters when in giant form, much higher with powers

Standard Equipment: her wish making ring, soda can

Intelligence: Above Average (Tricked the main character and uses her powers very effectively)

Weaknesses: If her soda can is destroyed she will die, is forced to grant the wishes of the person who unleashed her


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
