VsDebating Wiki
Mercy Spray - Battle Ready
Heroes never die!
— Mercy


Mercy is a Support hero in Overwatch. Mercy’s Valkyrie Suit helps keep her close to teammates like a guardian angel; healing, resurrecting or strengthening them with the beams emanating from her Caduceus Staff.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-A, High 8-C with weapons

Name: Angela Ziegler, Mercy

Origin: Overwatch

Gender: Female

Age: 37

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities: Regeneration (Low to Mid-Low), Healing, Can slow the speed of her descent, Statistics Amplification (of herself and others), Energy Projection, Weapon Mastery, Flight, Resurrection

Attack Potency: Athlete level, Large Building level with her weapons (Can harm other Overwatch characters, who are that durable)

Speed: Subsonic (56.149 m/s)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human

Striking Strength: Class H

Durability: Large Building level (Can survive hits from other Overwatch characters, like Doomfist, who can level a skyscraper, and Mei, who can create giant ice walls)

Stamina: Above average

Range: Several meters

Standard Equipment: Caduceus Staff, Caduceus Blaster, Valkyrie Suit

Intelligence: Medical genius


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Fights:
