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Hello. I am Mr. Welldone.
— The beginning of the diary


Mr. Welldone is the narrator of the creepypasta story, The Diary of Mister Welldone. He is somewhat of a watcher, seeing all that humanity has done and the entities they can’t comprehend.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 9-C, possibly 5-B. At most 3-A

Name: Mr. Welldone

Origin: Creepypasta

Gender: Presumably male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Watcher, possibly transcendent human (Refers to humans occasionally as “We”)

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Nigh-Omniscience, Immortality (Types 1 and possibly 2; Seems to not age, survives the earth or universe being destroyed), likely Resistance to Mind, Fear, and Madness Manipulation (Claims to see creatures and entities that would break and manipulate normal humans, says fear is natural and isn’t bothered by him), possibly a form of Reality Warping

Attack Potency: At least Street level (Can rip people apart, tearing out their organs). Possibly Planet level, at most Universe level (Claims he will end all of the world, possibly existence. Implied it has happened before).

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Street Class. Possibly Planet Class, at most Universe Class

Durability: At least Planet level. At most Universe level (Survived the world or universe being destroyed, seemingly unaffected)

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Standard melee range, Unknown

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscience (Knows all the secrets of the earth, the way people will die, how, why, knows all the secrets of the world before this one, etc.)

Weaknesses: None Notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
