VsDebating Wiki
There must be something more
— Necrostar


Necrostar is the main villain of the album "Vice Quadrant" by Steam Powered Giraffe. He was accidentaly created by Commander Cosmo after he sealed himself inside a dying star.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 1-C

Name: Necrostar

Origin: Steam Powered Giraffe

Gender: Male

Age: 196

Classification: Star brought to life by Commander Cosmo

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Higher Dimensional Manipulation, Necromancy, Death Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Absorption, Light Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Grows stronger by absorbing negative emotions, Mind Control, Fusion, Possession, Immortality (Type 1 and 6, Can assimilate another body in order to survive)

Attack Potency: Complex Multiverse Level (Was accidentaly created by Commander Cosmo and fought him, Should be far superior to the Alien Ghosts from the 8th Dimension of Absolute and Infinite Terror, Mingled with the Wither Lords, An entire pod of 8th dimensional whales fled in terror from him)

Speed: Immeasurable (Should be far superior to the Alien Ghost from the 8th Dimension of Absolute and Infinite Terror, Fought Commander Cosmo)

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Complex Multiversal

Durability: Complex Multiverse Level (Was accidentaly created by Commander Cosmo and fought him, Should be far superior to the Alien Ghosts from the 8th Dimension of Absolute and Infinite Terror, Mingled with the Wither Lords, An entire pod of 8th dimensional whales fled in terror of him)

Stamina: Immeasurable

Range: Complex Multiversal

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Above average (Has fought Commander Cosmo, defeated 8-D ghosts, was behind the Sky Sharks and The Space Giant)

Weaknesses: None notable



Steam Powered Giraffe - Necrostar


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
