VsDebating Wiki
Yeah, and their bottoms are all bear, but they still lay eggs. Just trust me on this, there's enough bear in an owlbear that it can't pass up honey.
— Griff


Owlbears are large mystical creatures known for their odd looks- taking on the appearance of some hybrid of a giant owl and a bear. The species is known for it's ferocity and is known for attacking foes much larger than itself.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Likely 9-B

Name: Owlbear

Origin: Dungeons and Dragons

Gender: Varies

Age: Varies

Classification: Magical Beast

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Resistance to Mundane Damage, Enhanced Senses

Attack Potency: Likely Wall level (Vastly superior to beings capable of Burning Hands)

Speed: Subsonic (Comparable speed to most base adventurers)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Superior to peak human beings as an entity with a 21 Strength rating, Large beings have overall carrying capacity multiplied by two)

Striking Strength: Class KJ

Durability: At least Wall level, likely Room level (Capable of surviving attacks of this level)

Stamina: High

Range: Extended melee by right of size

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Below Average, relies purely on animalistic instinct and possesses no human-level intelligence

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
