VsDebating Wiki
Open wide and say... mouthwash!
— Quote author


Vampire Breath is a foul gas-like substance found in the Goosebumps book Vampire Breath and it is used to power up and enhance vampires, with a wide variety of effects.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Unknown 

Name: Vampire Breath

Origin: Goosebumps

Age: Unknown

Classification: Potion-like object

Wielders: Count Nightwing, Gwendolyn

Powers and Abilities: Statistics Amplification (Increases the physicality of the user), Power Bestowal (Gives the vampire user their many abilities. After Count Nightwing used it he then shown to be able to crawl on walls, transform others into insects and transform into a bat. Likely gives the user all the other abilities normally associated with vampires), Memory Manipulation (Gives the user back any missing memories), Time Travel (If opened or used it can send the user forwards or backwards in time. Like in the episode when it was first opened by Freddy and Cara Count Nightwing was brought to the present and in the book when it was opened it sent Freddy, Cara and Nightwing back in time when Count Nightwing had a castle), Terrible Smell

Attack Potency: Unknown (Doesn't focus on destruction),

Speed: Immobile (Vampire breath itself is in a limbless and inanimate glass jar)

Durability: Below Average level (The bottle itself is made of glass)

Range: Unknown

Weaknesses: If the user doesn't constantly inhale the vampire breath until it runs out they will begin to become weak, forgetful and eventually crumble to dust
